Financial Status of 2024
The following graphic shows a comparison of the projected and the current giving status.
We are amazed by God's provision and are asking for His wisdom to use the resources given to us well.

If you call Reach North York your home and want to support financially, the easiest way is to do so via e-transfer to or simply click the blue giving button in the bottom corner and follow the instructions. Thank you!
The projected income for 2024 consists of three parts: 1) projected giving of the congregation (oriented at last years tithing of Reach North York and Willowdale Evangelical Church together), 2) investments from our savings, and 3) financial support from Liebenzell Mission.
As a church planting project from Liebenzell Mission, the organization is not only paying the salary of our two pastor families, but is also supporting the church to a certain amount. Out goal is to decrease the needed support from Liebenzell Mission every year. This includes an increase of the rent we are paying as a church. The building we are meeting in is owned by Liebenzell Mission which is giving us this great resource for a price we a currently able to pay with all the freedom to make it a space that feels like home for our church community.
The expenses of 2023 are projected according to Willowdale Evangelical Church's former expenses as shown in the following report:
Any questions? Then please reach out to Ben: